Party Time!

well not exactly, but we did have a little treat. two of my closest friends(one of them) ,in college, celebrated their birthdays on the 8th and 9th and the treat was on the 9th. another close friend whose birthday was on the 10th joined in the funding(more like he was forced to!). so with 3 people funding a treat for 10, it was a rather sumptuous treat! wish all of them a very happy birthday again!

shifting attention to my postings, not many cases seem to be getting admitted to our ward, wonder why!
so we are spending most of the time searching for cases in other units and joining their classes....
have been reading CNS(central nervous system) for the past few days and it still fascinates me! i had kind-of skipped neuroanatomy(was more interested in its physiology) in the first year, but now, i find that even the anatomy is fascinating, also, it is very important to know where exactly the lesion lies in the brain....unfortunately, there seems to be a dearth of CNS cases only in our ward, other units have atleast one.


broca's area said…
yeah..he was forced by me!!....
same thing is happening is pretty boring compared to med!...
Mithrandir said…
hmmm.... forced by you? lol!
well, atlast a case of hemiparesis was admitted to our ward but i think we got more than what we bargained for! next post maybe!

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