
Showing posts with the label internship

Mixed Feelings

it was with mixed feelings that i had ended my last real post and i start this one with the same mixed feelings. i am happy for having been lucky enough to get a pg seat in my first attempt in bmcri-m.s.ophthalmology! yet,it was not the first subject in my order of preference..... i still miss my ug days at bmcri .... with great power comes great responsibility, haha .... i have quite a responsible job now,cant get away,now, with mistakes that might have been forgiven in internship. being in school was better than being in college was better than being in mbbs was better than being an intern was better than being a pg..... change is the order of nature and life has to move on,so be it.... onto greater (ad)ventures then!


tomorrow is officially our last day of internship, but because of a 4 day strike we went on, in the beginning of internship last year, we have got to do a 4 day extension:( socials coming up on 9th, graduation day on 13 th(as of now). am already feeling so bad about internship coming to an end,about college life in general coming to an end.... can`t imagine how it`ll be without your closest friends around you;am surely going to miss everything about bmc. am feeling pretty depressed even as i type this.... but life has to go on, we have to move on to greater (?ad)ventures in life,isn`t it?

Back, again

Ya I know it has been a long long time, but I couldn`t really help it. Am in the last days of my internship, 5 more days left to be precise. Right now, I am in pediatrics posting,juniors have arrived and am hoping I am done with all night duties-having done one just 2 days back. This is the most relaxed I have felt in a long time, also the most bored! Just dunno what to do-spent time today playing mafia wars on facebook! Nice job for a doc eh? Looking forward to our graduation day, hopefully a class trip(have never gone on one till now) as well. More updates later.