Jules Verne Week!

my recreational activities this week were related to jules verne.....
i finished the e-book twenty thousand leagues under the sea on thursday. if i compare it with the other works of verne that i have read-journey to the centre of the earth, around the world in 80 days, this book was too lengthy, too many descriptions of the flora and fauna of the seas! it really gets boring at too many places..... but the story overall, the concept of a submarine, visiting the south pole, discovering the submerged atlantis, make for a worthwhile read. especially when you consider that all this was written way back in the 1800s.... the highlight of the book is the part where they get trapped while returning from the south pole and how Captain Nemo,`the emotionless` and the crew and passengers aboard the Nautilius handle the situation. fantastic read overall!

the other activity realted to verne is :i watched the movie journey to the center of the earth on wednesday. i had read the book some 2 years ago, well, i had not been able to get the book in stores, found the book in a book exhibition then. anyway, i had absolutely loved the book then and was looking forward to watching this movie ever since i first saw the trailer. much to my dismay, the movie was released here more than a month later than its worldwide release date. it did get released and i found the movie quite entertaining! like i have said many times before, suspension of disbelief is quite essential if you want to enjoy fantasy based movies like this.

thank you jules verne for the entertaining works you have produced and the people involved in making the movie a success!


broca's area said…
have dwnd ebook of this movie!....
Your cover image reminded me of those old Paico classics. Verne was never my cup of tea, though.
Mithrandir said…
@brocas enjoy the book!
@adorable hmmmm you dont like too much of fantasy, science fiction i guess.... i love such books!
broca's area said…
u have been tagged by me..check my blog:)

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