first week as doctor in k.g.halli!
the d-day had finally arrived on monday,9th of march,2009. it was going to be my first day as intern! having gotten up earlier than i had in more than a month,i trudged off,full of enthusiasm and a little anxiety, to college to the community medicine department to collect the posting order and arrived at the place well before 9am. but not a single soul was to be seen,other than 2 0r 3 other first day interns like me.... it was well after 10.00 am when someone concerned with our posting order arrived, but it was almost 3.30 pm by the time we got the orders and my first posting was in k.g.halli, a.k.a kadugondanna halli.... not really rural,the place itself is in bangalore but the facilities are pretty rural! in the meantime, i did open an account in the nearby sbi bank where our stipends are sent and we also found time for a long overdue birthday and results treat of a close friend!the food and pricing were both awesome at roti ghar in basavangudi.... the next day was a holiday,but we s...