Back again!

Hmmm. I know it really has been a long time since I've posted something on my blog. One reason was I am supposed to be busy with my pg life.  It is not so busy that I couldn't post anything. Well now is the time to get busy actually. To get busy studying.
Am in my final year of pg life. Finished submitting my dissertation titled 'Evaluation of morphological patterns of uveitic macular edema using Optical Coherence Tomography' on 17th of November if I remember right:-)
Few months left for the exams.... Studying anatomy and physiology of the eye for now....
      By the way, this is the first time am posting a blogpost from the android application for blogger from my mobile.


broca's area said…
Welcome back....which phone r u using.....:)
Mithrandir said…
thanks man. sony ericsson xperia pro:)

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