Medicine postings!

about time our medicine postings started, they did from this monday. already we have seen quite a few interesting cases, 2 pleural effusion cases, copd with cor pulmonale, anemia for evaluation.

but the most interesting case is about a guy who has diffuse, dull aching, bilateral chest pain since 3 years and breathlessness and bilateral pedal edema since 1 month. he also has cough when he gets breathless, a/w scanty sputum! evening rise of temp. also since a month. to top it all, he says he has diarrhoea since 3 years-hard to believe when he says he dint take any real treatment for it. its a case referred to our hospital(victora) from jayadeva.

obg internals was okay. couldnt blog because net connection was down for almost(or more than) a week, first time this has happened with bsnl broadband.

at last, bangalore royal challengers won a rare game yesterday, the last 4 overs were scintillating to watch! 3 wins off 12 games, they have moved off the bottom of the table at long last!

p.s:the case findings were swelling of thyroid gland(we had missed this), staring look, raised jvp, increase in body temp., visible carotid and brachial artery pulsations, epigastric pulsations, parasternal heave, high volume collapsing pulse, palpable p2,pan systolic murmur in mitral and tricuspid areas with loud s1, loud p2, carotid bruits and pistol shot sounds over the femoral arteries on auscultation!
all these findings were because of thyrotoxicosis,murmurs were all functional. the patient is now on anti thyroid drugs and is recovering very well with hardly any findings now. posted on 1 june,2008.


broca's area said…
hmm....seems an interesting case..may be he has lrt infection with mild effusion !...u guys could measure his jvp?[toughest thing in cvs!]....
Mithrandir said…
ok, some more clues- he has raised jvp and palpitations.
Mithrandir said…
i wont give you examination findings as "you can diagnose at history level itself". told you jvp was raised because you asked.
broca's area said…
Tuberculosis, now disseminated?
Mithrandir said…
@ brocas,adorable pancreas it was all because of thyrotoxicosis!

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