
so soon? thats what i feel whenever some test/exam comes up! but these internals do really come very frequently in the final year, what with internals in all the postings you attend and theory as well. well, obg internals fast approaching, am trying to fast reading! still have quite a bit to read.

skin postings are still going on(no internals in this one posting,thankfully), get over this saturday.we saw a case of pemphigus yesterday and a case of hansen`s today.
lucky the patient was so co-operative today, imagine 30 odd "doctors" examining your hypoaesthetic patch, palpating all the nerves that can be palpated superficially(half of them tender for him), each one asking the same questions, ....

found an interesting and funny image!


broca's area said…
ohk..i have seen only one typical hansens disease case...and who are those "doctors"..u guys???
Good luck with the internals!

I saw one guy with pemphigus. Foliaceous, I think it was. It was badly infected and the stink was unbearable. Pretty horrible.
Mithrandir said…
@brocas yes,we are the "doctors" ;-)

@ adorable pancreas thank you. the case we saw was pemphigus vulgaris.
the infected cases do stink horribly, this hansens disease guy had an abscess on the palm-lower forearm and it was stinking quite badly too.

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