Doctors also need to be treated as humans first

this was one of the articles published in deccan herald on march 1st. i gave a reply by sending an email to the editor. the letter never got published. here is my letter:

This is with reference to 'Doctors have a legitimate right to strike' (DH, March 2) and 'Doctor's stir strikes at sacred oath' (DH, March 1). The rigors that a doctor has to undergo just to become a doctor, to complete his MBBS course is well known. After 4 and a half years of studying and 1 year of internship, the coveted degree is conferred. And then, most 'doctors' have to do post graduation in a field of specialization. During internship and post graduation, doctors are considered students and paid stipend as pay.  Some doctors do not get any pay. So the plight of married people who are doing post graduation without any pay can only be imagined.     And for doctors who are still considered students- post graduate students and interns, a night duty means working from 9 a.m. or sometimes even from 7.30 a.m. of one day till next day 4 p.m. at least, sometimes longer depending on the work left. And the next day is not off, they have to report to duty at 9 or 8 a.m. as the situation demands. There are other days of double duties where there are 2 days of consecutive duties, from 9 a.m. of one day to at least 4 p.m. of the third day. That is more than 55 hours of work at a stretch with no 'off' the next day. The labour laws don't apply to 'students'.     After all this, some people have to do superspecialization in a field or a fellowship. A respectful environment and a decent pay is not guaranteed even at the end of this.At the end of the day, after almost 10 to 15 years of struggle, it is the expectation of a doctor to be treated with some basic respect a human being deserves and a decent pay for his services. Why is it that only doctors are expected to work in poor living conditions with minimal pay? To be posted to rural areas without proper infrastructure or security? Why is it that in some other non medical sectors of work, a person is offered jobs, before even completing his degree, with pays a doctor can start earning only after a few years of establishing his practice?  Is it wrong of a doctor to expect to get treated with respect, to expect decent living conditions and pay?

ps: also, now the govt. wants us to serve as medical officers in rural areas for 3 years after post graduation for rs. 35,000 pay. not as specialists but as medical officers....


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