a new beginning!

my community medicine postings got over on friday,i began and ended it with postings in k.g.halli.,with isolation hospital and siddiaiah road referral hospital in between,not to mention the 4 day strike as well!
i am actually sad that community med postings got over,it is the best and easiest part of our postings and what a pity it was first for me. this is the first time that i am actually sad at something getting over in comm med! will miss k.g.halli for sure!

started medicine postings from saturday and i have been posted to the psychiatry department for the first fifteen days. have already seen some interesting and weird cases, including 2 schizophrenia cases and a social phobia case who was so overcome that he had attempted suicide 3 times. i was initially interested in psychiatry as a career,but seeing cases here, i am starting to worry about them more than they worry about themselves and more than i should be worrying about them. so psychiatry is not an option for me now.....


broca's area said…
lol....u take gen med only!!
visit my blog....

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