
Showing posts from December, 2012

Sunday opd in BLCH

Am in opd on a Sunday in bowring and lady curzon hospital after a really long time.... Here since 9 am with a junior pg. Hardly any cases.... Yawn

Return of sudbum

Met my close friends sudhir and shashank yesterday. Sudhir after 3 years and shanka after 6 months I think. Was funny to see sudhir speaking in the serious British accent:-) was really nice reminiscing the good old days including the school days. Hope to meet up a few more school friends soon- almost like a mini reunion....

Some Sun

Good to see some bright sunshine today after the relentless rains yesterday. Had got badly drenched yesterday due to the un seasonal moderately heavy rains. Had ended up with soaking wet clothes and shoes and worsened cold and cough. This bright weather itself does so much to lift my mood.

Everlasting songs

Listening to o saathi re sung by kishore kumar.... One of the most intense feel songs I've heard.... I feel like listening to this song over and over again today.... There are some songs which I can never get enough of. Yaare neenu Cheluve is another one of them. I have spoken about this song in one of my previous posts with a link to the video as well. Two other such songs which I like are: may it be by Enya and my heart will go on by Celine Dion....

Coffee time

Coffee time in CCD.... With sunayana.

Lazy Sunday

had breakfast half an hour back..... chatted with pratap  on sms. feeling quite lazy. not well from the last 4 days. the headache because of the frontal sinusitis i get is really bad. hmmmm..... yawn

Back again!

Hmmm. I know it really has been a long time since I've posted something on my blog. One reason was I am supposed to be busy with my pg life.  It is not so busy that I couldn't post anything. Well now is the time to get busy actually. To get busy studying. Am in my final year of pg life. Finished submitting my dissertation titled 'Evaluation of morphological patterns of uveitic macular edema using Optical Coherence Tomography' on 17th of November if I remember right:-) Few months left for the exams.... Studying anatomy and physiology of the eye for now....       By the way, this is the first time am posting a blogpost from the android application for blogger from my mobile.